regional accents of english造句


  1. However, other regional accents in each country also show differences, for which see regional accents of English speakers.
  2. Regional accents of English might be of interest to you .-- talk ) 22 : 20, 3 December 2008 ( UTC)
  3. Description : I added to Regional accents of English speakers # St . Louis and vicinity and think some may apply to other regions; if others could check it out and offer suggestions, that would be great!
  4. Throughout the United Kingdom there are distinctive spoken expressions and regional accents of English, An awareness and knowledge of accents in the United Kingdom can " place, within a few miles, the locality in which a man or woman has grown up ".
  5. It's difficult to find regional accents of english in a sentence. 用regional accents of english造句挺难的


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